
Glider Photo by Andrey Larin on Unsplash

10 Dec 2017

SAML Authentication for Phoenix

Enable SAML authentication for Elixir/Phoenix applications.

Authentication Photo by William Iven on Unsplash
Want to enable SAML 2.0 SSO authentication in your Elixir/Phoenix application? It is fairly easy to do using the Samly Elixir library.

06 Apr 2017

Sigaws/PlugSigaws - Elixir Libraries to enable signature authentication for REST APIs

Enable AWS Signature authentication for your Phoenix web resources and API endpoints.

Signature Authentication Photo by Suganth on Unsplash
Sigaws is an Elixir library that allows you to sign and verify HTTP requests. This library does not dictate how you compose and send HTTP requests. The signing functions in this library works with the HTTP request information provided and return an Elixir map containing signature related parameters/headers. This siganture information can then be merged with the original request data and sent to the server using any HTTP client (such as HTTPoison).

02 Mar 2017

Drone Playground using Docker Compose

A Drone CI/CD setup using Docker Compose, Gitea and Minio.

Continuous Delivery Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash
This guide walks through a Docker Compose based setup of Drone 0.5 along with Gitea Git Service and AWS S3 compatible Minio Storage Service. The primary purpose is to have a local setup that enables you to play around with Drone. This setup includes a local Docker aware DNS service as well.